A review of basic operations of numbers, fractions and decimals. Covers the practical mathematics that every machinist is expected to use in the shop and in the creation and maintenance of tools, fixtures and industrial devices. Applies math to special calculations such as: taper angles, gearing ratios, gearing systems, and cutting speeds and feeds.
Course Objectives:
- Apply the rules relating to the four basic mathematical processes as applied to whole numbers, common fractions, and decimal fractions in present day machine shop and industrial maintenance application
- Calculate powers and roots encountered in solving for area, weight, volume of: flat objects, rectangular solids, cylinders, and conical objects, common to the mechanical occupations
- Compute and convert English and metric units of measurement.
Recommended Background
- None
Course ID
MPRO 101
All Campuses
Ivy Tech
Communication, Critical Thinking, Personal Effectiveness, Measuring Tools, Machining Arithmetic, Mathematic Conversions
Method of Delivery
Estimated Effort