Introduces the basic theory, operation, and programming of Yaskawa industrial robots and their applications through simulations and hands-on laboratory activities. Students will be ready to certify in Basic Robotic Programming at the completion of this course.
Course Objectives:
- Identify safety hazards and apply safe working practices when working with automated equipment
- Demonstrate ability to create and set up a robotic work cell
- Demonstrate an ability to properly start up, operate, and shut down an industrial robot
- Create and execute robot programs in teach mode and playback mode
- Demonstrate ability to define tool center points
- Develop an understanding of various coordinate systems used in robotic programming
- Demonstrate ability to backup and restore robot programs
- Demonstrate an ability to recover robot operation from common faults
- Demonstrate an ability to monitor and operate robot inputs & outputs
- Create and execute MACRO’s
- Demonstrate an ability to create programs with subroutine structure
- Recognize how multiple robots, PLC’s, and CNC types of equipment integrate with each other.
Recommended Background
- None
Course ID
ADMF 117
All Campuses
Communication, Critical Thinking, Personal Effectiveness, Robotics, Automation, Linking, I/O Interfacing
Method of Delivery
Estimated Effort