An Introduction to GD&T

Provided by: MEP Courses

Geometric dimensioning and tolerancing (GD&T) is a symbolic language used on engineering drawings to specify features of a part, including the size, shape, form, and orientation. By implementing GD&T, manufacturers can more clearly and precisely define part requirements, improve inspection, gain business flexibility in today’s global economy, and save money.

Course Objectives:

  • Explain the history of GD&T,Explain the benefits of using GD&T,Describe when GD&T is used,Define “datum” and explain the use of datums,Interpret feature control frames, including geometric tolerance symbols, tolerance information, material condition modifiers, and datum references.

Recommended Background

  • Recommended for Quality control/assurance technicians and inspectors
  • other manufacturing personnel whose jobs require the use of engineering drawings

Course ID



Company Choice


Purdue University MEP


Communication, Critical Thinking, Personal Effectiveness, Geometriic Dimensioning & Tolerancing, Diagnostics, Data Analysis

Method of Delivery

Face to Face

Estimated Effort


